Animal Art is Alive …and the animals need your help in 2022!

We all love animals! The popularity of circuses, zoos and aquariums has attracted humans of every age, size, color and country, for centuries. Who knew giant fish could be trained to perform?  I guess Sea World did!

But about the art surrounding this topic….paintings in all mediums have featured pets and exotic animals since kingdoms collected these treasures. They were hung in palaces in ornate frames, larger than life size and were stolen by conquering armies. In recent times, pet portraits have been a heart warming commission to honor a faithful pet. I know, I’ve done many of them. We LOVE our animals.

This one, one of my favorites, was of my niece, Joan and her adorable companion, a King Charles Spaniel. 

And Jeff's  adorable puppy who is now huge!....

  And our beloved Addie, smart and very sassy!

But there are those species who are endangered and in need of both awareness and fund raising to extend their future on this planet. It’s a cause I care about too.

One of my favorite art buddies, Ron Weidmann, gave me permission to show you some of his Artwork done on their behalf. Here are some of his pencil/pastel sketches of endangered species that deserve our attention:

                                        The capuchin and Tamarind

A recent calendar published by my friend Leslie Kjellstrand features her favorites and I particularly like this guy...

OMG, It's January!

There are so many more! We enjoy the sounds and flutter of birds but air pollution and drought are destroying their habitats and the sea creatures 

who are being strangled by plastics. Penguins as well as other animals deal with drastic climate change that is reducing populations from the north to south poles. Even our food supply is endangered by the careless attitude of many humans. Don't be one of them. Help in every way you can. And paint a few or..... ask me to do that!

Contact me to commission an animal portrait. I will donate 25% to your chosen animal shelter or cause.

Happy New Year!
Carol Sue


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