Merchandising Your Art

"Dairy Queen"
If you have lived in Texas, you might love Blue Bell. Even our cows do.

 I hope you have considered merchandising your images. Not only is it fun to see products with your artwork on them but it is lucrative and makes a longer lasting impression of your intention and talent. It's a great gift from you, as well.

Where can you get this work created?

One artist website is Fine Art America. I let the people at Fine Art America print my images on notecards, prints of all sizes and on surfaces of all kinds. For example, tote bags are a popular item. Many folks aren't collectors of hanging art but they like color and uniqueness in other areas of their homes. Mugs are  another popular item because they are practical and inexpensive as a gift. You can include beach towels, tapestries, masks and notebook covers and more.

Pros: It doesn't cost much, (I set my own prices) and it is working behind the scenes making income for me. You can order personally from here at a discounted price.

Cons: you don't get to see the quality of the item or make contact with the client.

Vistaprint allows you to customize mugs, notecards and magnets to sell on your own.*

Where can you sell your merchandise?

Ideally, sell them at a local store. Fortunately, I have found an excellent store outlet to represent me in Austin. It is The Art Escape located on the grounds of The Oasis restaurant , a well known Austin spot that overlooks Lake Travis. We have found that small, lightweight items that fit into a suitcase are best for the visitors to Austin. And inexpensive doesn't hurt either. I display mostly Texas themed paint images on note cards and matted prints as well as magnets. Magnets have become very popular with children. Having Austin, Texas on them is also valuable.

I also have similar items available at the gift shop inside Kerr Arts Center in Kerrville. I am a member of their Art League which is housed in the famous old post office on Main Street. I have demoed for the Guadalupe Watercolor Society that meets there. You will find a wonderful display of art inside in addition to great gift items at good prices. Look for my workbooks at Lost Pines Art Center in Bastrop where I also teach.

...And then there's Etsy
I have now had my own store online for a few years, Watergirl Art. I fought this idea because I didn't want more work to do but my daughter was correct ...I've already done it and I have it in inventory. So why not? They offer yet another opportunity to move merchandise and I get to connect with my clients.

               Happy merchandising!


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